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Case Studies

See how agency CEOs are transforming their businesses with Powerline

Jim Sheldon

Jim Sheldon, Executive Consultant

Company: Private Consulting Group (Healthcare & Professional Services)

Industry: B2B, specializing in field sales enablement for medical, dental and legal clients

Team Size: 11+ distributed employees and contractors

"I can't overstate it—Spark is the difference between me forgetting half my calls and me staying 2–3 steps ahead."

— Jim Sheldon


Overwhelming meeting load, field reps spread across multiple locations, and countless follow-up items prone to slipping through the cracks.


  • • Daily voice check-ins keep priorities front-and-center
  • • Post-meeting recaps highlight actionable "quick wins"
  • • End-of-day Slack summaries ensure nothing gets missed

More Case Studies Coming Soon

We're working with more agency CEOs to document their success with Powerline.

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